Tuesday, September 8, 2020



If you follow all the below points on Daily basis, then in a very short time your English Speaking will improve, and then you will be able to speak English comfortably.

If you want to speak fluently in English, then follow these steps:

1. Reading

2. Writing

3. Listening

4. Speaking

5. Watching

6. Remembering

1. Reading: Anything at all in English.
To improve English speaking, it is very important that you practice reading on daily basic and that too by speaking.
Reading by speaking will 'purify' your speaking style, Mind will become habit of reading English and your ability to understand English will increase.
Your eagerness to read English will increase, and your mind will start to understand English. And he will start thinking and understanding Sentences in English itself.
So you must do a reading practice on regular basic. You can read English "Books, newspaper, novel, magazine, Vocabulary, Daily use English sentences etc.

2. Speaking: Anything at all in English.

English speaking simply means speaking in English. The more you speak in English. The sooner your English speaking will improve.

Now the question arises that to speak in English, you must come to English. So do not worry about it. Start speaking with the Daily Use English Sentences.

Or start speaking whatever you know English as "whatever." Also, keep following the points we tell you in the post carefully.

Your confidence level will improve.

In this way, slowly your English speaking will improve. And then all of you will start speaking frankly in English.

3. Writing: Anything at all in English.

Writing also plays an important role in learning English speaking. Because when we write any thing we read or prepare its "Note book". So by doing this, we start remembering that thing.

And we do not forget what we remember. And we can easily speak what we remember. So you must do writing practice on Daily basic

And you must also do regular translation practice. You can start writing from Daily Use English Sentences, Daily Use words, Vocabulary, latter, English question answer etc.

4. Listening & Watching: English Videos.

Everything we hear in Hindi since childhood. Once, twice, thrice, we remember that cry. Those things are set in our mind. And we can speak freely whenever we want.

Or if someone says, we easily 'understand'. In the same way when you hear something in English once, twice, three times, or again and again, you will start remembering that too.

And by listening again and again, you will start to understand the words or sentences of Mind English. will start thinking and then you will start understanding and speaking English automatically.

You can listen and watch English Sentences in audio or video format such as English music, movie, news, or video of an English teacher or video of any English channel.

Daily Use English Sentences list:

1.    कपड़े सुखा दो।
Put the clothes to dry.


2.    आलू छील दो।
Peel off the potatoes.


3.    सन्तरा छील दो।
Peel off the Orange.


4.    बिस्तर लगा दो।
Make the bed. / Prepare the bed.


5.    ढक्कन खोल दो।
Open the lid/cap/cover.


6.    नल खोल दो।
Turn on the tap.


7.    नल बन्द कर दो।
Turn off the tap.


8.    चादर बिछा दो।
Spread the bed sheet.


9.    बिस्तर पर चादर बिछा दो।
Spread the sheet on the bed.


10. दीवार पर सहारा मत लो।
Do not lean against the wall.


11. मुझ पर सहारा मत लो।
Do not lean against me.


12. मेरे कंधे पर अपना सिर मत रखो।
Do not lean your head on my shoulder.


13. दिमाग से काम लो।
Use your brain.


14. धीमे बोलो।
Speak softly. / Speak quietly.


15. धीरे बोलो।
Speak slowly.


16. तेज़ बोलो।
Speak quickly.


17. ऊँचा बोलो।
Speak aloud.


18. खाना लगा दो।
Serve the food.


19. दबे पाँव चलो।
Walk on the tiptoe.


20. वो दबे पाँव कमरे में घुसा।
He tiptoed into the room.


21. मुझ पर एहसान मत करो।
Don’t favor me.


22. बहाने मत बनाओ।
Don’t make excuses.


23. समय की नजाकत को समझो।
Understand the delicacy of time.


24. अपने बाल बना लो।
Comb you hair.


25. समझने की कोशिश करो।
Try to understand.


26. मुझे गुस्सा मत दिलाओ।
Don’t make me angry.


27. उसे समय लेने दो।
Let him take time.


28. आँख मत मारो।
Do not wink.


29. इशारा मत करो।
Do not gesture.


30. बक बक मत करो।
Don’t prattle. / Stop your gab.


31. बकवास मत करो।
Don’t talk nonsense.


32. ज़िद मत करो।
Don’t be stubborn.


33. मुझसे पंगे मत लो।
Do not mess with me.


34. धूप सेंक लो।
Bask in the sun.


35. रोटियाँ बेल लो।
Roll the chapatis.


36. रोटी कैसे बनायें ?
How to roll the chapati?


37. आटा गूंथ लो।
Knead the flour.


38. रोटियाँ सेंक लो।

     Bake the chapatis. 


39. जूते पहन लो।
      Put on the shoes.

40. जूते उतार लो।
Take off the shoes.


41. शर्ट पहन लो।
Wear the shirt.


42. शर्ट उतार लो।
Take off the shirt.


43. दिल पे मत लो।

Don’t take it to heart.


44. उसे विदा कर दो।

See him off.


45. उसे गाली मत दो।

Don’t abuse him.


46. अंधेरा हो रहा है।
It’s getting dark. /
It’s becoming dark. (It’s = It is)


47. अंधेरा हो गया है।
It’s got dark. /
It’s become dark. (It’s = It has)


48. मुझे नहाने दो।
Let me take a bath.


49. जाकर सो जाओ।
Go and sleep.


50. मुझे ठंड लग रही है।
I’m feeling cold.

If you liked this Article, Please do comment for more such articles. Next Article will be posted tomorrow with new Sentences.

Stay Tuned ☝🙏


BASIC TIPS TO LEARN ENGLISH WITH DAILY USED PHRASES I f you follow all the below points on Daily basis, then in a very short time your Engli...